Behind the Blog: Haute Design

It has been far too long since I did a blog interview, and I can't tell you how much I have missed them.  This month, I couldn't be more excited to have interviewed the amazing Sarah Klassen of Haute Design. Her beautiful blog is a wonderful source for flirty fashion and romantic design.  I often find my self in a dreamy and delightful state as I browse image after image of seductive subjects, from fashion to interiors and all that is stylish in between  It is with great pleasure that Introduce to you Sarah Klassen.

Who is the person behind the beautiful blog Haute Design?

I have a variety of interests and hobbies, most of which stem from my love and appreciation of design. I feel very fortunate to work in the realm of graphic design, fashion and interior décor, as it feeds my addiction and allows me to think about design and to be highly creative each day. I actually have a Bachelor’s degree in Graphic Design for Marketing, which I apply in a variety of mediums and ways. And, quite truthfully, each design discipline intermingles in my mind—I might be inspired to create a wedding invitation based on the way I see a space and vice versa.

I enjoy luxuries and simple pleasures, writing and reading, travel and discussion. I enjoy driving around and looking at architecture, boutique shopping and spending hours exploring new places. I enjoy a good wine and coffee, dark chocolate and being with loved ones. I don’t know what I would do if I couldn’t be creative each day.

What was your earliest experience with design?

Truthfully, probably when I was about seven. I was exposed to the world of design quite young. (my Grandmother owned a large and successful décor boutique) I have grown up around entrepreneurs in many different fields, so it is second nature to me. And truthfully, my Mother has always been incredibly creative and masters all that she touches—from French cooking to gardening, entertaining to sewing. She has always been my inspiration and has always encouraged my brothers and I to be creative in our own way.

My earliest venture was re-decorating my bedroom. My space was very feminine, with floral bedding and curtains, and displays for all of my teacups and treasures, books, dolls, and projects. Did I mention all of the pink? I remember loving the feel of books and magazines, and spending hours looking through them, thinking of projects and things I could create next.

On a more paid note, when I was sixteen, I assisted my Mother in decorating a showhome and selecting paint, materials, and such for a development. It was so much fun and opened the doors to so much…

What inspired you to start blogging?

To be quite honest, up until a few months before I began my own, I did not read any blogs. When my boyfriend and I completed design school, he began a blog as a compliment to his portfolio. In it, he features design news and work, photography, his own work and more. He encouraged me to start one, as he knew how much I love to write and how my inspiration boxes were beginning to overflow. (okay, okay, they were overflowing quite a bit!) I began to explore a few blogs, and enjoyed the idea of being able to share findings, ideas or anything for that matter. And so, Haute Design began… and with little experience or expectations on my part. I had no idea how much I would learn, how fun it would be to connect with others, and how much I would enjoy it. It has become a lovely part of my life.

What excites you about design today?

The fresh, new talent that is emerging all of the time excites me. I love encouraging others to follow their dreams and use their talents! I am also so pleased with the range of expression in design; the joining of different styles and the newfound freedom to mix them.

Who are your style/design icons?

I look to those in the fashion industry for style inspiration, past and present. I also look to women who I aspire to be more like; women who are/were courageous, classy, had fun with fashion, yet were timeless in their approach to style.

How do you define your personal style?

I would say feminine with a touch of simplicity. I love simple, fine jewelry that looks almost masculine, with a soft, airy blouse and pants. I’m not afraid to wear a giant bow, but also enjoy crisp, well-tailored blazers. On a side note, if you open my closet, you would find more dresses than anything else. I love wearing pieces that reflect the things I like—pieces with great details that are a pleasure to wear.

What item in your closet can you not live without?

My favorite dress by Ali Ro. It is black and deep navy, with incredible detailing—little pieces put together, made to look like an abstract flower, starting from the front and working towards the back. It looks like art. Because it is a classic shape, I belt it or not, and wear it by itself, or with a blazer, or with tights, flats or heels.

I also have some vintage pieces that I would be terribly upset to loose, like my floor length, black velvet coat, caplet and gloves. I love mixing new and vintage from time to time, and am always on the lookout for something fabulous.

What was the last book you read or currently reading?

5th Avenue, 5am. I just started and am already captivated.

What is your favorite room in your home?

My studio. Every time I walk in, I smile.

What is your favorite colour this Fall?

Camel. Trends come and go, but I have always loved this color and it just so happens to work well with my red hair!

Your 3 most memorable posts of recent & why?

Scotch & Soda: I posted about the company but also an experience that I had that is dear to my heart. I hope to post more in this style in the future. There is always more of a connection to a company or product when there is a real life story to it, I find. It brings it to life.

An Energizing Palate: I posted about local company, 18 Karat. I love their products and store.  They explore texture and color in such a unique way. This color combination is one of their most bold to date, and I think it’s fabulous.

Welcome, October: I posted about some of my favorite sights, scents, feels and tastes for Fall. More than ever before, I am learning to appreciate each season and traditions that I have taken for granted. These are a few of my favorites.

Are there anything exciting projects you are working on you can share? OR anything you are looking forward to this fall?

There are a number, actually, and I will be sure to share more as soon as I can.

Lastly and most importantly, What brings you true happiness?

Knowing that I am exactly where I am supposed to be, trusting and loving the Lord, spending time with family and friends, seeing more of the world, and being hopeful and excited about the future…

Thank you very much Sarah for participating in Behind the Blog !  It's a pleasure getting ot know you and I look forward to your next post.

*All photos courtesty of Sarah klassen/Haute Design

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