Christmas Entry Table

One of the places I like to keep decorated for the season is the entry table.  It's the first surface you see when walking in the house.  As usual, I like to keep things simple.  My son is grabbing everything now and I don't want to put too much out for fear that it will be taken down and broken.  He has a thing for throwing anything round and resembles a ball.

I kept my colors to blue and silver.  

I had everything on hand except the lantern.  On the left is a vase filled with ornaments and a couple garland trees.

On the right is a lantern from Ikea that was originally green but I spray painted blue.  I added a silver gift box and another garland tree.

I removed one of our family photos to insert a Christmas printable in the middle.

Our Christmas tree is still bare right now except for lights.  Hopefully it will get decorated this weekend.

Are you doing any holiday decorating? 

You're reading Christmas Entry Table by Andrea, originally posted on Decorating Cents.  If you've enjoyed this post, be sure to follow Andrea on Facebook, Pinterest, Bloglovin, and Hometalk.

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Thrifty Decor Chick *


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