Last time I showed you the set of sunburst mirrors they were here...
Well they have moved. I liked them here but they were setting off the alarm motion sensor every single day. Something about the reflection interacting with the infrared sensor. Whatever. I was over the alarm people calling me to tell me something was moving around in my house.
I still wanted them in the entry somewhere so I had to find another wall. The one next to the powder room was free, so it was the lucky winner.
I actually like them here. I've been slow around here getting up art and other fancy things on the walls. Maybe it has a little to do with putting holes in the walls. I hate filling holes and painting so I put as few holes as possible if I'm unsure about a piece.
It's refreshing to come out of the bathroom and be greeted by these lovelies or walk by and not see an empty wall.
Makes me feel better I didn't lose them completely in this area. So far so good with them being here. I was afraid the light from the window would somehow come around the corner and make a reflection. Ha! I ain't moving these again. Well...maybe...if I had to.
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Thrifty Decor Chick *
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