Coastal Calling

I am back after a 10 day adventure to the east coast.  It was a beautiful trip!  We drove through Vermont, New Hampshire, Maine,Massachusetts and New Brunswick to finally arrive in Nova Scotia. The weather was perfect, and I have returned more inspired than ever by the natural beauty of land and it's treasures.  The ocean waters and the smooth rocks that line it's shores; the mountain chains, and the blanket of trees that cover the rocks.  It is no wonder that homes of this region take their cue from the colours and textures it's surroundings. 

This home originally designed to be a vacation home in Martha's vineyard took up year round status when the owners fell in love with it, and the island it is built on.  Featured in Architectural Digest June 2006, it is a perfect example of a home that was built with respect and adoration of the land it sits on.

Architecture by Hutker Architects, Interior Design by Jerry Twetten, Landscape Architecture by Michael Van Valkenburgh

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