Vintage Summer

I spent the day at the beach yesterday, and it was absolutely beautiful. Plenty of warm sunshine, some clouds rolling over for cover every now and again, and a perfectly cooling fresh water lake.  Most of the day I had a watchful eye on the kids, but I did get some time to sit and flip through the pages of my favorite design magazines. 

I have been going to the same beach as long as I can remember.  It's actually a hidden gem that few people know of, and those of my friends who do know, are sworn to secrecy! The water is crystal clear, it's never too busy, and there is an endless sandy shoreline.  It made me think how the beach has changed so little over the years.  Most of the waterfront properties aren't overly developed, and there are some pretty old structures still around.  I thought about what it must have been like fifty or so years ago.  What women wore, their demeanor, the whole notion of beauty back then; elegant and sophisticated.  I have been really inspired by the classics lately, so here is a little taste of my ideal vintage summer style.  Isn't Elizabet Taylor just breathtaking?

Images via This Girls Vintage

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