Design Social: Cityline and Dabble

It was a really busy and fun week in Toronto for Bloggers!  On Tuesday, Cityline hosted a special taping with a blogger filled audience.  Beauty, Decor, Foodies and Mummies gathered for a fun show with special guests,gifts and a surprise party at the Ritz.  It airs on Tuesday March 29th, so set your recorders this week.

Tracy Moore is a wonderful host.  She is the real deal, and really took the time to put a fun and relevant show together. 

Thursday night was another exciting night.  The official launch of Dabble Magazine, by Kimberley Seldon, was hosted at Elte in Toronto.  It was a packed.  I was texting my fellow bloggers in an attempt to try and locate them in the sea of people.  We all wish Kimberley Seldon and her amazing team at Dabble well.  That is Nyla Free on the cover. 

From Left, Christine Da Costa (Decor by Christine), Christine, (Bijou and Boheme), Lisa Ferguson, (DecorMentor) Vanessa Francis (Decor Happy), Me (the under dressed Verdigris Vie) , and right smack in the middle, Leigh Ann Allaire.

Other posts from the week and photo credits:

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