
La Gazette Du Bon Ton was a fashion journal that was published in Paris back in the early 1900's.  It featured the latest in lifestyle, beauty and fashion.  Printed on fine papers, and available to only a select few who were willing to pay the 100 Francs for a one year subscription, the journal aimed to establish fashion as art.  They hired some of the best illustrators to produce fashion depictions, including some from this artist Georbes Barbier.  He was one of the more popular artists of the Art Deco period.  He worked to change the look of previous journals by depicting models is dramatic environments, as opposed to on a mannequin.  Other journals that Barbier illustrated for include Falbalas et Fanfreluches, and Le Journal des Dames et des Modes.  

A few years back I stumbled across this illustration, L'Hiver, at an antique market that was set up in a mall.  I haven't been able to forget about it.  I think it was worth about $125.. or maybe a little more, but it was pure loveliness, and I regret not dishing out for it.   The company selling it is called, Artophile, and the gentleman was so kind to take the time to chat with me about the piece.  It's sold now, but I still like to admire it.

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