It's not exactly the 10th...

It's not exactly the 10th photo in my file, because the 10th was a logo, but this was the 9th. 
The image comes from my Wrought Iron folder, which is where I keep images for My Other Blog,  I started Inspiring Iron so that I could organize all the beautiful Iron Furniture photos I come across whilre researching for Verdigris Vie and Anvil.   I loved the Iron gate resting on the back wall under the gilded sconce. I thought that it was such an interesting design feature, and one I would love in my own home.  The gate details are also lovely.  I still have the orinignal photo that I tore out of the magazine when I first saw it. 

You'll see the rest of this place on Monday. I just realized I never actually featured this wonderful home here on Verdigris Vie.  

So what is all this business of the 10th?  Renee Fineberg tagged me in her blog post.  All you have to do is head over to one of your picture folders, and post the 10th image on your blog.  
Drop me a comment when you have posted so I can get inspired by your 10th images as well. 

Have a great weekend

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