On the Horizon

Above paintings: "Shoreline Series"
I am enamoured with this artists ability to blend impressionist and abstract styles. Most of his work commits one style of the other, but they definitely influence each other through colour, form and perspective. The artist, Stephen Gillberry, is from Cobourg Ontario. You can view more of his outstanding works on his site, Gillberry. Also, for you locals, he is at the One of A kind Show at the Rogers Center (Toronto, On) until Dec 06.

Above Paintings: "Tree Series"
The Tree Series above, is perhaps one of my favorites of all time. The texture, detail and depth are captivating. And since I enjoy the outdoors, rugged nature and long hikes through the woods, these pieces are perfection.

Above Paintings: "Horizon Series"
A well traveled artist, Stephen Gillberry has made his way to numerous cities around the world. From Asia, Europe and South America, studying the art of various cultures played (and continues to play) an important role in his work.
All Photos were taken from Gillberry, and you can view a collection of so many more of these fine works.

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