Behind the Blog: Colour Me Happy

I am so excited to introduce my guest on Behind the Blog today. Reading a post from Colour Me Happy is one of the higlights of my day. Maria Killam is the author of this beautiful blog that is more than just a design perspective. It is a place where I find inspiration, education, a mentor and a motivator. There is passion behind every stroke of the keyboard, and every post is thoughtfully composed. So without further ado, here is Maria Killam.

What lead you to pursue a career in design?
After 10 years of decorating for my family and friends I decided it was time to start my own business!
Any early experiences in design that stand out?
When I was 16 I bought taupe wallpaper with white flowers on it for one wall in my bedroom. I painted the rest of the walls white to match the flower. After it was done I realized I should have painted the background colour (taupe) as it would have flowed a lot better with the rest of the room. It's noticing the details that makes me such a good teacher now (I hope).

What excites you most about design today?
That people are starting to embrace colour and experiment with it more. Years ago, it was just one accent wall, now it's colour everywhere. I love that!
What inspired you to create Colour me Happy?
I had been reading blogs for about 6 months when I listed to an on-line talk announcing that 'everyone should have a blog' so suddenly one weekend I started writing. The name came to me immediately, (inspired by Julia Roberts) read it Here; and I barely slept that weekend as I wrote 8 posts! One of them, The Best Trim Colours--NOT Cloud White is still one of my top 5 most read posts.
Seriously, can you pick a favorite colour?
Because they are like my children so how can you pick one? It's hard but yellow, orange and green are up there as favourites for me!
What is the best part of your day?
Definitely the morning or when I present my design plans to a client and they get excited about what I've shown them! That gives me a happy buzz that lasts the rest of the day!!
How do you define your personal style?
Fresh, contemporary, comfortable and colourful!
What item in your closet can you not live without?
In the summer a white t-shirt, in the winter; turtlenecks, I have one in every colour. I don't like to be cold and I have a low tolerance for being uncomfortable

What is your favorite room in your home and why?
My living room. Just walking into it makes me happy, I have a beautiful view of the mountains, city and the ocean, huge picture windows and a great ottoman to put my feet up!
Who are your style/design icons?
Eileen Kathryn Boyd, David Jiminez, and Kelly Wearstler.

Your 3 most memorable posts of recent & why?
How to create a Tablescape. It took me 7 hours on a Sunday to write, so I was thrilled when it made the Washington Post Blog watch the following week!

I was also very excited to be in the Post for the 5th time with this post; 4 Things you need to know; Before Shopping for Wallpaper.

"Signature Look or your Clients Look; Which one works the best?" This one I was really excited about because I have just distinguished for me what my 'look' is and I was thrilled to share it with my readers!

Are there any exciting projects you are working on right now, that you can mention?
Yes, I have a few! Stay tuned to my blog and look for my posts about them!
Lastly, what brings you true happiness?
That every day I get to do what I love is a huge source of happiness for me and of course being with my family and friends!
Thanks for the opportunity to get to know you a little better Maria

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